“IT-Integrator” is the largest developer
and a provider of IT solutions for corporate
and public sectors
in Ukraine.

AI Expertise

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Data Science: our data science services extract valuable insights from complex datasets, guiding informed decision-making. Through advanced analytics and machine learning, we uncover hidden patterns, optimize processes, and seize emerging opportunities.

Machine Learning: with expertise in machine learning, we craft intelligent systems that enhance performance and adapt to changing environments. From recommendation engines to predictive analytics, our solutions automate processes and deliver personalized experiences.

Natural Language Processing: leveraging NLP techniques, we empower machines to understand and generate human language. Our solutions enhance customer experiences, automate interactions, and extract insights from unstructured text data.

Computer Vision: our CV services analyze visual data, enabling automation, security, and augmented reality. From object detection to image recognition, we drive efficiency and innovation across various domains.

Chatbot Development: IT-Integrator specialists empower businesses to get intelligent virtual assistants that engage with users to streamline communication, enhance user engagement, and drive operational efficiency across various channels.

Facial Recognition: leveraging facial recognition technology, we develop robust solutions for identity verification, access control, and personalized user experiences. Our solutions offer unparalleled accuracy, reliability, and performance.

Our solutions are based on the products of the world's leading manufacturers:

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